Travelling by bus to Natz-Schabs in South Tyrol
By bus to Natz-Schabs
Would you like to travel comfortably by bus to Natz-Schabs? Here you will find all the important information about travelling by bus from Germany, Austria, Italy or Switzerland.
Important to know: On many routes, the Flixbus stops at the Brixen/Pustertal toll station on the Brenner motorway. This is only a few kilometres away from Natz-Schabs. With the shuttle service or the pick-up service from your accommodation, you can easily get from the bus stop to Natz-Schabs.
Important to know: On many routes, the Flixbus stops at the Brixen/Pustertal toll station on the Brenner motorway. This is only a few kilometres away from Natz-Schabs. With the shuttle service or the pick-up service from your accommodation, you can easily get from the bus stop to Natz-Schabs.